مجلس الأئمة الأسترالي يدين عدوان غزة

أصدر مجلس الأئمة الفدرالي الاسترالي البيان التالي

Press Statement
Australian National Imams Council Condemns the Barbaric Attacks and Collective Punishment against Innocent and Defenceless Palestinians
The international community including Australia remains largely silent as the Israeli army offensive in Gaza killing scores of innocent people enters its fourth day; at least 100 Palestinians have died in airstrikes since they began on Tuesday.
ANIC condemns in the strongest possible terms the unfair and disproportionate military assault by the Jewish State against the Palestinian people including women and children
We are witnessing the escalation of brutal aggression by the Israeli Defence Force against the innocent and defenceless people of Palestine. Australia and the International community must adopt a firm stance to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Palestine.

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