كلمة الدكتور غسان العشي في تظاهرة سيدني

Dr. Ghassan Achi Speech in Solidarity with Syria . In Sydney Against American intervention in Syria .

Today, we stand here to send a clear message to our government and Prime Minister Rudd, that we as Australians are against any military intervention in the ongoing conflict in Syria.
We want our government to stand up to the big American bully, and not be part of the STUPID, ILLEGAL and UNJUSTIFIABLE war that is about to engulf the whole Middle East region.
We want our government to step-up to its moral obligations and international responsibilities with respect to Syria by standing against any US led WAR on Syria.
Today we stand here bewildered about the self-appointed policeman of the world AMERICA, and to question what happened to upholding international law and United Nations mandates?
We cannot base decisions on going to war that will have thousands of innocent civilians killed and catastrophic consequences for many more millions based on fiction not facts, sentiments not evidence!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to witness another BIG war based on yet another BIG lie; we all know and remember too well IRAQ and the so called WMDs! And here again, de-ja-vu, a decade later, we are told about Syria and the purported chemical weapons.
We all condemn in the strongest words the use of chemical weapons by any party for whatever reason it may be. There is no question about this!
However, any claims must be substantiated by clear evidence by international experts and not through fabricated images posted on internet and social media. And those responsible whoever they may be, whether be it on America’s side or not must be held accountable and punished for their actions.
Ladies and Gentlemen is it not a matter that calls for suspicion that those nations that have led us to believe for many years that Al-Qaeda was their number enemy and the number one threat to the world, are those very same nations that are today arming, and supporting al-Qaeda topple the regime of President Assad to establish their Islamic state in the Levant?!
Is it not a matter for bewilderment that we find our governments in this conflict aligned alongside oppressive regimes such as Saudi Arabia where people are denied the very basic rights of freedom to worship, where women are banned from driving a car and being able to walk freely on the streets without a male guardian, and where there’s never been any form of electoral process. The role of Saudi Arabia and Prince Bandar in feeding the religious hatred, supplying the car bombs in Iraq, Syria and now Lebanon and the sadistic ideology that goes along with it cannot be overlooked.
Similarly, we have to ask about the role of Israel in all this, as they gobble up more Palestinian land and pressure the so called Palestinan Authority into giving more concessions, we know too well, that Israel see the current Syrian Government and its leader Dr. Basshar Al Assad as a major obstacle in achieving its goals.
Much can be said about the Syrian conflict, the atrocities, the ethnic cleansing, the daily beheadings and mutilation of corpses on the hands of terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda and jabhat al nusra. But today we want to affirm that there is no way out of this ugly conflict outside a political process and the decision on who governs Syria is solely left for the Syrian people to decide. Therefore it is imperative to stop the funding and flow of arms to the militias and terrorists fighting the Syrian government,
Ladies and gentlemen today, we must unmask the ugly face of America’s wars! Which have never been about Freedom, democracy and justice. Rather the true face of America’s wars is and always has been about Dominance, Oil and Zionism.
We must stop this STUPID WAR, we must stop this STUPID WAR, we must stop this STUPID WAR.


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