١٠ أطعمة مسرطنة

هذه الأطعمة مسرطنة وينصح بتجنبها:

  • الأجسام المعدلة عضويا 
  • اللحوم المحضرة والمحفوظة
  • البوشار المحضر بالميكرووايڤ
  • الصودا
  • مشروبات ومأكولات الدايت
  • الطحين الأبيض المنقى
  • السكر المنقى
  • الفواكه ‘القذرة’
  • سلمون المزارع
  • الزيوت المهدرجة.

المزيد في التقرير أدناه.

دمتم بخير


The phrase that “everything causes cancer” has become hype these days. It is extensively made into use by those who excuse their own lifestyle and dietary failures especially those who pertain the risk of cancer. But the real truth behind all these is that there are many common food items that have been scientifically proven that they increase the risk of cancer, some of them substantially do. Following are the top 10 most unhealthy cancer causing foods that should be stopped immediately.

Image: www.lifemartini.com

1) Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs):

2) Meats in processed form:

Mostly the processed meat product such as lunch meats, hot dogs, bacon and sausage contain chemical preservatives. These preservatives make them appear fresh and appealing. But they can prove to be a main cause behind cancer. These processed meats contain sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate that are linked to significant increase in the risk of colon and various other forms of cancer as well. So take care that you choose uncured meat products that are made without nitrates, and preferably from sources that are grass fed. (http://www.organicconsumers.org/foodsafety/processedmeat050305.cfm).

3) Popcorn cooked in Microwave.

Making popcorns in microwave may seem to be much easier. But the bags in which popcorn are cooked in microwave are lined with chemicals. These chemicals are responsible for infertility and testicular, liver and pancreas cancer. As recognized by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the linings of microwave popcorn bags consists of the perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) “likely” carcinogenic. Also, several other independent studies have shown that the above stated chemicals are linked to the cause of tumour. Just the same way, the reason behind the cause of lung damage and cancer is related to the diacetyl chemical used in the popcorn itself. (http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA400701/Microwave-Popcorn-Threat.html).

4) Soda pop.

 Soda pop acidifies the body as it is loaded with sugar, colourings and food chemicals. This literally feeds the cancer cells. Caramel colour and its derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) are some common Soda Pop chemicals that are specially related to the cause behind cancer. (http://www.naturalnews.com/031383_caramel_coloring_cola.html).

5) Beverages, ‘Diet’ foods.

“Diet” food and beverages like “Diet” Soda Pop are even worse than conventional food or simple Soda Pop. One of the common artificial sweeteners, aspartame is linked to cause a range of illness such as cancer and birth defect as issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The authority of more than 20 separate research studies. Sucralose (Splenda), saccharin and many o9thers are also the reason behind the cause of cancer.



6) Refined ‘white’ flours.

Excess carbohydrate content present in refined flour is a cause of utmost concern. According to a journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention, it was found that a regular intake of refined carbohydrates was a reason behind the increase of 220 percent breast cancer among women. High-glycemic foods which raises the blood sugar level rapidly, directly feeds cancer cell growth and its spread.


7) Refined sugars.

Refined sugar spi8kes the insulin lever and also feeds the cancer cell growth. Due to Fructose-rich sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) easily and quickly metabolize to proliferate. Due presence of HFCs and refined sugar in cakes, juices, pies, cookies, sodas, cereals, sauces and many other popular and processed food items, the cancer rates are rising rapidly these days. (http://www.naturalnews.com/038071_cancer_sugar_sweets.html).

8) Conventional apples, grapes, and other ‘dirty’ fruits.

 People think that buying fruits and other items such as grapes, apples or strawberries from the store are healthy to eat. But remember, unless these fruits are organic or verified to be pesticide-free, they can be linked to a cause of a major cancer risk. It was found by Environmental Working Group (EWG) that up to 98 percent of all conventional produce, particularly the type that are listed under “dirty” fruits, is contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides. (http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/list/).

9) Farmed salmon.

According to Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany, farmed salmon is yet another food listed under high cancer risk. Farmed salmon are often contaminated with flame retardants, carcinogenic chemicals, antibiotics, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and pesticides. Also, it lacks in vitamin D. (http://www.albany.edu/ihe/salmonstudy/pressrelease.html).

10) Hydrogenated oils.

Hydrogenated oils are generally used to preserve the processed foods and keep them shelf-stable. It alters the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body which results in host of debilitating diseases such as cancer. Though pal oils and many other safer alternatives are be8ing used by manufacturers, but Trans fat are still being continued to use widely. (http://www.naturalnews.com/010095_hydrogenated_oils_unhealthy.html).

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